
Opinion: PS Plus, Is it worth it for PS Vita owners?

Since 2007, I have owned an Xbox 360. Before that I had a PS1 for about a decade. For some reason I skipped the PS2 and original Xbox generation. It seems I was more than content playing Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon day in, day out until my mid teens. In fact, asides from… Continue reading Opinion: PS Plus, Is it worth it for PS Vita owners?


OPINION: Sony’s Slimmest Announcement is their biggest Failure.

This morning saw the announcement that much of the gaming community had been anticipating. Sony revealed that the PS Vita Slim would indeed be making it ways to the UK. In the most recent episode of Heroes of Handheld, me and Chris discussed what this would mean for Handheld gaming.  After all, it’s always a… Continue reading OPINION: Sony’s Slimmest Announcement is their biggest Failure.


What to Expect from Thursdays PlayStation Slimmest Announcement

This Thursday sees PlayStation once again hit the stage to announce something big (or, rather, quite small). Earlier this week, invites were sent out to select journalists, informing them that they were invited to an “exclusive breakfast briefing with Playstation”. Being the loveable scamps that they are, the gaming juggernaut couldn’t help but wet our… Continue reading What to Expect from Thursdays PlayStation Slimmest Announcement